Willow Oak FMSProspective Partner Questionnaire I. Contact Information Primary Contact Name * First Name Last Name Primary Email Address: * Primary Phone Number Country (###) ### #### II. Fund Information Fund Name Manager Name Inception Date MM DD YYYY Number of Limited Partners Investors Check all that apply. HNW Individuals Institutions Family Offices Trusts Other Fund Structure Current AUM $ Target AUM $ Date to Hit Target AUM MM DD YYYY III. Fund Partnership Terms Please fill in answers below or provide Fund's offering documents. Minimum Investment $ Subsequent Investment Size $ Management Fee Incentive Fee Are there any preferential/first-year-class investor terms? Yes. No. If you answered "yes" to the above question, then please specify what the preferential terms are. Hurdle Rate High Water Mark Lockup Period Yes. No. If you answered "yes," then how long is the lockup period? Advanced Notice Required for Redemptions (in Days) Redemption Frequency Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Semi-annually Annually Redemption Fee IV. Fund Investment Strategy Please fill in answers below or provide fund's tearsheet or pitchbook. Sector(s) Energy Materials Industrials Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Health Care Financials Information Technology Telecommunication Services Utilities Real Estate Instruments/Asset Classes Equities Derivatives Warrants Options Debt Securities Cash Other If you clicked on "Other" above, then please specify here. Geographic Allocations North America Latin America Pacific Rim Eastern Europe Western Europe Middle East/North Africa Other Portfolio Exposure Long Only Long Biased Short Only Short Biased Long-Short Variable Market Neutral Arbitrage Long-Short Arbitrage Market Neutral Arbitrage Scalability: How big can your fund get and your strategy still be executable? V. Service Providers Please fill in answers below or provide the Fund's tearsheet or pitchbook. Administrator Transfer Agent Auditor Legal Counsel Prime Broker Bank Custodian Compliance VI. Investment Manager Are you or do you plan to be federally registered with the SEC as an investment adviser? * Yes. No. No, but I plan to be. If not federally registered, will you be registered with a state or states as an investment adviser? * Yes. No. Do you currently have managed accounts? Yes. Yes, and I plan to grow this area. No. No, but I plan to. If you answered "yes" to the above question, then please answer the following: Number of Clients Total AUM $ Broker SMA Terms Is this portfolio same as the fund's? Yes. No. It will be. Do you or will you engage in any other investment advisory activities other than the management of the fund or managed accounts? Yes. No. If so, then please describe the outside activities and the client base. Are you registered with the SEC as a broker-dealer and a member of FINRA? Yes. No. VII. Operations Who handles bookkeeping for the GP/investment manager? What software is used to complete the bookkeeping? Do you currently have written policies and procedures in place? Yes. No. Do you currently have a cybersecurity plan in place? Yes. No. VIII. Prospect and Investor Relations Do you currently use a database tool/CRM? Yes. No. If you answered "yes" to the above question, then which database tool or CRM do you use? How do you communicate with your audience and how frequently? Do you currently use email marketing software? Yes. No. If you answered "yes" to the above question, then which email marketing software do you use? On which social media platforms are you represented? Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Website Other For any of the above social media platforms you checked, please provide your handles/links. What are your current marketing pieces? Tearsheet Pitchbook Annual Report Other If you checked "other" in the question above, then please specify your other marketing pieces. Do you keep a profile on any of the following third-party marketing sites and hedge fund databases? Barclayhedge Bloomberg Eurekahedge Hedgeco Hvst HMF Morningstar Preqin Seeking Alpha SumZero Other If you checked "other" in the question above, then please specify the other marketing sites or databases on which you keep a profile. What is your current fundraising status and what would you like it to be? IX. General Questions What are pain points that need addressing? How involved in the operations of the fund would you like to be? X. General Comments Please share anything else you think we should know. Thank you for completing the Willow Oak Prospective Partner Questionnaire! We will contact you soon.